Author Archive for: lightsign

Entries by lightsign

Outdoor Dining & Windbreaker Profile

As of April 2021 the Irish Government have made arrangements to supply grants of up to €4000 to facilitate the expansion of outdoor dining in Hotels, Restaurants and Cafe’s and other businesses in which food is sold. This grant is facilitated by the Local Enterprise Boards and covers the costs of outdoor seating, heating and […]

RGB LED and Controllers Explained

When looking into using RGB LEDs in your next project there are some considerations and decisions you will have to make before buying. We have put together a rough list of ideas below to help you out and even a few recommendations of products that will suit. If you don’t find what you are looking […]

LED NEON FLEX – The Only Choice in Neon Signage!

Neon lighting has been a phenomenon since the early 1900’s when the French Engineer Georges Claude first unveiled his invention at the Paris Motor Show in 1910. From then on it has become widespread across the world as a form of signage synonymous with vintage culture. Since then, the adoption of LED lighting has become […]

Pharmacy Crosses – Origin and Purpose

Introduction Pharmacy Crosses, we all know what they are and they are a familiar site across the world symbolising that a shop is designated as a Pharmacy but where does this symbol originate from? History The earliest use of symbols in pharmacies or earlier apothecaries was that of Asclepius’ staff, Asclepius being the Greek God […]

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